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The following Products and Services are available within our facility:
Ready to Run Plate (Sequencing)Customers who want to do the cycle sequencing themselves can submit reactions in 96-well plates. Reactions should be submitted wet in high quality molecular grade water or dry (to be rehydrated at GF). The reactions have to be in semi-skirted plates compatible with the 3730xl. |
Ready to Run Tubes (Sequencing)Customers who want to do the cycle sequencing themselves can submit reactions in tubes. Reactions should be submitted wet in high quality molecular grade water or dry (to be rehydrated at GF). |
Sanger Plate DNA SequencingCustomer submits plates of samples for capillary (Sanger) DNA sequencing. Full reactions will be built using the BigDye Terminator v3 cycle sequencing kit. No more than 2 primers per plate. Please contact us if you need to use more than 2 primers as extra fees may apply. Please normalize your DNA template concentration before submission. |
Sanger Single-Tube DNA SequencingCustomer submits individual DNA sample for capillary (Sanger) DNA sequencing. Full reactions will be built using the BigDye Terminator v3 cycle sequencing kit. For a fastest turnaround time, please bring your single-tube sequencing samples to GF before 3 pm as we start processing them for sequencing starting at 3 pm daily. |
Ready to Run Plate (Genotyping)For customers that want to do fragment analysis on the Applied Biosystems 3730xl DNA Analyzer. Reactions & fluorescent DNA ladder need to be submitted in deionized formamide in semi-skirted plates compatible with the 3730xl. GF sells ROX dye-labeled size standards compatible with the Ready-to-run genotyping service. Only the following fluorescent chemistry can be submitted to GF: 4-color [(FAM, HEX, NED, ROX), (FAM, JOE, NED, ROX), (FAM, VIC, NED, ROX)] and 5-color [FAM, VIC, NED, PET, LIZ]. |
Illumina Compatible Library Prep OnlyLibrary preparation only with no sequencing. Prepared library will be returned to researcher either pooled or individually. If library prep and sequencing are needed, please choose one of the other three options below. |
Illumina HiSeqLibrary preparation and sequencing on Illumina HiSeq sequencer. This order form can also be used to request sequencing of ready-to-run libraries on the HiSeq. |
Illumina MiSeqLibrary preparation and sequencing on Illumina MiSeq sequencer. This order form can also be used to request sequencing of ready-to-run libraries on the MiSeq. |
Illumina NextSeqLibrary preparation and sequencing on Illumina NextSeq sequencer. This order form can also be used to request sequencing of ready-to-run libraries on the NextSeq. |
BioNanoBioNano's unique and powerful Whole Genome Mapping technology rapidly generates high-resolution, ordered, whole genome restriction maps from ultra long single DNA molecules. Whole Genome Maps are generated de novo, independent of sequence information, and do not require amplification or PCR steps. The result is an easy-to-interpret view of the genome that reveals genome architecture in a single image. Visit GF website for details |
fgddh |
HMW DNA Extraction for BioNanoHigh molecular weight (HMW) DNA is necessary before moving on to the BioNano service. GF can extract HMW from a variety of samples (plants, cell lines,...). Contact us at to discuss your project. |
Agilent Bioanalyzer Run RequestThe Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer is a microfluidics-based platform used at GF for sizing, quantification and quality control of RNA molecules. |
Frament AnalyzerThe Fragment Analyzer" Automated CE System is a fluorescence-based capillary electrophoresis instrument for both sizing and quantifying DNA. |
Bioinformation RequestUse this form to request bio-informatics service. Please explain in your needs and our bio-informatics expert will contact you to discuss your project. |
CovarisThe Covaris instrument is used for DNA shearing applications such as the production of DNA libraries for next-generation sequencing (454, Illumina, or SOLiD). |
DNA PurificationDNA purification can be performed on samples collected with FTA Elute Cards, Oragene•DISCOVER/saliva kits or Performagene LIVESTOCK collection kits. |
Dye-Labeled Size StandardsThe GF offers two Rox dye-labeled size standards: the GF500R from 88 to 435bp and the GFIOOOR from 88 to 1016bp. |
Miscellaneous RequestUse this form to request any services offered on the GF website but not described in any of the other categories on this ordering page. |
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